Federal law — HIPAA — regulates the use of health information on campus by “covered components” at Penn. Penn’s largest covered component is Penn Medicine — and it has its own HIPAA privacy resources page.
Entity Privacy Officers
Entity | Privacy Officer | Phone | |
Penn Medicine | Lauren Steinfeld | 215-573-3348 | privacy@uphs.upenn.edu |
University Privacy | Scott Schafer | 215-898-1934 | privacy@upenn.edu |
Perelman School of Medicine | Laura Fluharty | 215-746-6334 | lauraee@upenn.edu |
School of Dental Medicine | Ian Wheeler | 215-573-8599 | privacy@dental.upenn.edu |
Student Health Services | Erika Gross | 215-746-3535 | shs@pobox.upenn.edu |
Privacy Officers for Penn Medicine Hospitals and Practices can be found at: http://uphsxnet.uphs.upenn.edu/hipaa/contact.html